🔳 Mosaic Art Class in London 🔳 




Come and join us to make your own free style mix media mosaic art! Let your imagination flow freely through beautiful diverse materials. 




【Class dates: Choose a date from this list】

 Feburary: Wed 7, Tue 13, Mon 19, Wed 21 

 March: Wed 7 


【Time】10:00 – 15:00

【Location】 5 min. walk from Forest Hill station 

【Class fee】£40 per class.

Taster price until the end of Mar 2018. You will be asked to fill in a  short feedback questionnaire which will be used to improve the service. 




This class will be an excellent introduction to making mosaics. You will be working on a project using mainly direct method based on your own deign (2D or 3D). The process of making mosaic art is preparing your base, cutting and adhering materials, fixing onto a surface of your base, grouting and finishing your work.


You will be taught how to use tools and exploring materials e.g. glass, ceramic tiles, china, mirror and marble. 


The time required to complete a project will be thoroughly depending on the student. But large projects e.g. larger than 30x30cm size will most likely need more than 1 day to complete. 


【Things to prepare before the class date】

Bringing ideas or sketches to the first session is recommended to save your time. Bring an apron or clothes which can get dirty. 



Tools and a certain amount of materials are supplied during the class. We have a variety of colorful tiles, ceramics and glasses. But you can also bring your own materials including the base of mosaics e.g. a board, a picture frame with a wide flat surface, to have a wider range of choice. Used objects can also be redecorated by mosaic art. 


Some square / round shape MDF / plywood boards 10x10cm ~ 50x50cm are available. Some small boards are free. Larger boards ≧ 30x30cm can be purchased during the class e.g. free: 30x30cm no frame square MDF, £6: 30x30cm no frame round MDF. It is better to request the boards in advance if you would like to use any as the numbers are limited. The details will be sent.


【Age restriction】

Please note, this class is for ages 8 and older. Children under the age of 13 will not be able to use the nippers tool, and children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Sorry for any inconvenience but safety is the top priority.   






Top: The tutor's current work unfinished

Buttom from the top:  The tutor's work in 2011, 2012 and 2012. A student's work in 2012 & 2017













【Classroom Gallery】




This is London! Today’s students were all born in different countries e.g. Angola, Jamaica, Japan, England. People’s cultural background often reflect on their designs.


A student brought a large MDF board with him to use it as a base of his mosaic work and he is making a piece like a collage of his own country. Other students are making a mirror frame, flower and a penguin in Antarctica. Such a variety! Can’t wait to see their work finished✨







受講者は、アンゴラ出身のPさん、生まれも育ちもイギリスのVさん、日本出身のMさん、ジャマイカ出身のPAさん。授業は英語と日本語の両方。このような日は、英語を勉強されている方にもよい実践の場になります^ ^




【Student's Work】

オーストラリア育ちで、英国生活の長いYさんは、オートバイでドイツまで(!)遠出に行ったかと思えば、古いソファや椅子などの家具類を修理し、センス良く生まれ変わらせてしてしまう、とてもアクティブな女性😊 今回は、家の前に飾る住所番号を作ってくれました✨






Mrs Y is an extremely energetic person from Australia. She’s been to Germany on her motorbike! and she can reupholster old furniture using beautiful fabrics.


The number 1 in the pic is her house number and she managed to make it look very sophisticated and delicate by putting tiles of one colour that have different textures.




【Classroom Scene】







Mrs N from Sri Lanka attended the mosaic art class today and she started making the map of her own country. I am so excited to find out how her work will look like (*^^*)


The mosaic art classes @ Mozaicoa are often filled by people who have variety of ethnic background. Everyone produces mosaic art with a variety of designs and colors which contains the essence of their motherland where they originally come from and also who they really are✨




【Student's Work】





This is the mosaic art made by Mr P from Angloa. He used both earthy coloured tiles and transparent glasses which helped him express the wilderness and mother nature of Africa. Each simbol drawn in this work represents his motherland and his own intuition. 


The size of this work is more than 1m long! Mr P now enjoy looking at this piece every single day in his living room (*^^*)




【Student's Work】

今までに4作品制作されたAさんの作品。作品のタイトルはタラコ唇の「タラちゃん」💕 タラちゃんの性格まで想像できてしまうぐらい、キャラクターが出来上がっています♪ 








Mrs A so far made 4 mosaic art @ Mozaicoa class. The title of this work is 'Tara-chan' who has sexy pouty lips💋  Tara-chan is a Japanese animation caracter whose name comes from cod, the fish. 


You can easily imagine what sort of caracter her Tara-chan has! Mrs A used some china ceramic pieces which added a touch of elegance to her work.  


Mosaic art can reveal some aspects of the creaters' personality. You may end up finding out about yourselves which you've never noticed before! 




【Student's Work】





This work tells you how much Mrs Y loves her own rabbit and cat who are waiting for her to come back to Australia. 


Surprisingly it was the first time Mrs Y made a mosaic art. But she soon mastered the making skills and has completed this beautiful piece only in one day! Her every day work requires lots of hand work as an animal healthcare professional and she managed to transfer some of the skills into the mosaic art making. 


