【Mosaic Art Classes for August】

This is the piece waiting to be completed fully. The remaining work is to fill some grout in the frame. This work almost looks like acryl painting! as Mrs M used the specific types of stained glasses. Let your imagination flow and it is po…

【Upcoming mosaic classes for June, July, August】

It might be a surprise for some people. Mosaic art can be 3D. Mrs M made this monstera leave by using a flower vase, stained glasses and shells. The white mat color and the bumpy materials gives good contrast with the background, the shiny…

【Upcoming Mosaic Classes for June, July】

This is the Minack Theatre in Cornwall where I recently visited. It was absolutely spectacular! I still can't believe this was created by a lady with only a little help!! This is nothing to do with mosaic art but the stunning colors and th…

【Upcoming Mosaic Art Class Dates for 31st May - July】

This beautifult photo frame is embellished with a little seaside details. The mixed media used includes shells, avalone, glasses, china ceramic, gravel for water tank, glass gems, mirrors and beads. Mrs M carefully placed these objects app…

【Upcoming Class Dates for May / June】

I've been requested by some people whether they can make a present for their loved ones. This kind of photo frame could be a lovely gift for their birthdays, anniversaries, house warming parties etc... .....................................…

【Upcoming Class Dates in May】

This mirror was made by Ms M who has been running a variety of events and workshops in London. She is also a mum of 2 children and the sun like orange round shape expresses her family members. You can sence a full of love from this breatif…

【Mosaic Art Class:Upcoming class dates】

This is my latest mosaic art work still in progress. I will adhere some glass tesserae to the edge of this work as a frame and it will be ready to be hanged on the wall! Come along & experience the joy of creating this art form! ..........…

【モザイク・アート教室日程 & 受講申し込み方法】

これは、私の最近の作品です。この後、モザイク用ガラスで枠を作って完成の予定です^ ^ あなたも、ぜひモザイク・アートを経験してみませんか? ........................................................................................................…

【Class Gallery & Student's Work in Progress】

This flying little bird is created by Ms G using tiles, stained glasses and Millforeri. The shiny gold color glass adds a touch of elegance to her work. She also efficiently used the curved edge of the tile to make the wings look more like…

【Upcoming Mosaic Art Classes】

【Drop in Class Dates】 March: Tue13, Tue 20, Tue 27 【Time】10:00 – 15:00 【Location】 5 min. walk from Forest Hill station 【Class fee】£40 per class. 【Contact】mozaicoa@gmail.com ........................................................…


初心者の方でも参加できます。 制作スピードは個人個人で異なりますが、目安として、 30x30cm以上のサイズ、または緻密なデザインの作品の制作をご希望の場合、 2日間以上の受講が必要となる傾向があります。 クラス日程:以下から受講希望日を選んで下さ…

【Student's Work】

This is a photo frame made by Mrs A. It was the gift for her mother. Mrs A made this piece modern & stylish by using only few different ceramics and glasses! This is very good example that you don't need to design something very complicate…

【Upcoming Mosaic Art Class】

【Drop in Class Dates】 March: Wed 7, Tue13, Tue 20, Tue 27 【Time】10:00 – 15:00 【Location】 5 min. walk from Forest Hill station 【Class fee】£40 per class. ............................................................ This class will be…


初心者の方でも参加できます。 制作スピードは個人個人で異なりますが、目安として、 30x30cm以上のサイズ、または緻密なデザインの作品の制作をご希望の場合、 2日間以上の受講が必要となる傾向があります。 クラス日程:以下から受講希望日を選んで下さ…

【Student's Work in Progress】

Mrs M stated making this beautiful seaside style photo frame. All the visible wooden base will be filled up with glasses etc. & grout later. You can make any ornament you use at home or a special gift for your friends or family. That will …

【Student's Work】

This large mosaic work consists of 3 pieces (the work in the pic is one of the them) made by Mrs C and her son who studied graphic design. You can sense the strong uplifting energy produced by the carp! And this work looks like a Japanese …

【Student's Work in Progress】

This unfinished mosaic work was made by Ms V's. She is planning to give this sweet penguin to her brother who is a penguin lover. Ms V effectively laid blue stained glass with stream lines in this work and that created the feel of Antarcti…

【Work Completed & Upcoming Class Dates】

This is one of my work which has recently been completed. The entire process including designing, cutting, gluing, grouting is all enjoyable and has a full of surprises as the appearance of your work gradually changes all way through! Why …

【Student's Work in Progress】

Mrs A is currently making this mosque using stained glass, ceramic plate, tiles and tesserae. The wooden part will be filled in too. The Morrocan style ceramic plate and gold color glass pieces added some Arabic taste in this work. Materia…

【Mosaic Art Mediums】

これが、モザイク教室で受講生の皆さんが使われる材料棚です。 上の段から順に、Tesseraeというガラスで出来た四角いタイル、ステンド・グラス用ガラス板、ビーズ類、Smaltiというガラスで出来たレンガ型のタイル、陶磁器、土台となる木の板が収納されていま…

【Work in Progress】

This is the work I'm currently working on. Almost looks like a shell The wooden (MDF) part exposed and the little spaces between the tiles/glasses will be filled in later. I can always find some traces of myself somewhere in my mosaic work…

🔳 Mosaic Art 教室 in London 🔳 *English info can be found in the following page

ガウディ建築を彩る色鮮やかなモザイク・アート。制作には幾つかの工程があり、つい時間を忘れて制作に 没頭してしまう魅力があります。枠にとらわれないフリー・スタイルで作品を制作してみませんか? お部屋を彩るアートとして、壊れてしまった思い入れの…

🔳 Mosaic Art Class in London 🔳 

Come and join us to make your own free style mix media mosaic art! Let your imagination flow freely through beautiful diverse materials. ............................................................... 【Class dates: Choose a date from this…

【Classroom Gallery】

This is London! Today’s students were all born in different countries e.g. Angola, Jamaica, Japan, England. People’s cultural background often reflect on their designs. A student brought a large MDF board with him to use it as a base of hi…

【Student's Work】

オーストラリア育ちで、英国生活の長いYさんは、オートバイでドイツまで(!)遠出に行ったかと思えば、古いソファや椅子などの家具類を修理し、センス良く生まれ変わらせてしてしまう、とてもアクティブな女性 今回は、家の前に飾る住所番号を作ってくれま…

【Classroom Scene】

スリランカ出身の女性、Nさんの制作風景。スリランカの地図を作りたいとの事。一体どんな作品になるのか楽しみです(*^^*) 国際色豊かなクラスになる事も多く、様々な文化のエッセンスが詰まったバラエティー豊かな作品が生まれます。次は一体どんな作品と出…

【Student's Work】


【Student's Work】

今までに4作品制作されたAさんの作品。作品のタイトルはタラコ唇の「タラちゃん」 タラちゃんの性格まで想像できてしまうぐらい、キャラクターが出来上がっています♪ また、Aさんは陶磁器を用いる事で、温かみがありながら、どこか気品を感じさせる作品に仕…

【Student's Work】

オーストラリア在住で動物と演劇をこよなく愛するYさん。家族のうさぎと猫(上の方に手が見えます)の作品です。Yさんは帰国前の忙しい時期に、1日で作品を完成されました。これは今までで最速記録!彼女の温かい人柄が作品に溢れています❤️ ...............…

🔳 Mosaic Art 教室 in London 🔳

ガウディ建築を彩る色鮮やかなモザイク・アート。制作には幾つかの工程があり、つい時間を忘れて制作に 没頭してしまう魅力があります。枠にとらわれないフリー・スタイルで作品を制作してみませんか? お部屋を彩るアートとして、壊れてしまった思い入れの…